Category Archives: Uncategorized

Thank You!

This time of year, we begin to take stock of the things for which we are so thankful.  I started The Common Plate blog about nine months ago in order to share with others my passion and enthusiasm for cooking and to share what I am doing each week in my own kitchen.  Thank you for subscribing!  My hope is that each week you get a little inspiration from one of my recipes, links or personal anecdotes.  I absolutely love writing these posts and I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your kind words and responses.  Publishing one’s personal thoughts and stories on a website for anyone to read can be rather intimidating.  Whether you have ‘liked’ something on The Common Plate’s Facebook page, written a comment or response on the site, called me when you are at the grocery to ask where you can find a particular ingredient or stopped me in person to tell me that you have enjoyed a particular blog post or recipe, THANK YOU!  I’m excited for what is to come for The Common Plate.  Again, thank you for your support.  Happy Thanksgiving…….may your kitchen be a mess and your belly’s be pleasantly full!

